Journey’s End

Death, Dying, and the End of Life

by Victoria Brewster and Julie Nierenberg



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/20/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 558
ISBN : 9781543434330
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 558
ISBN : 9781543434347
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 558
ISBN : 9781543434323

About the Book

In Journey's End, many and varied collaborators write about death, dying, and the end of life. We attempt to describe real life issues and circumstances, and we discuss ways to proactively deal with them. Useful training, resource, and reference material is also included.

Death, dying, and end of life are topics many prefer to avoid. This book suggests that we benefit from having frank discussions, living life to the fullest, and planning for our own journey's end, whenever that may be. Everyone who is born eventually will die, whether or not we want to embrace that fact.


Though few of us know when we will die, we and our family or friends can be well prepared. We can have discussions and create written directives for what we want, if we are unable to verbally state them ourselves. Do we want life support? Do we want interventions that may or may not have any benefit to our quality of life if we are in the hospital or in an accident? Do we want to be involved in planning our funeral, memorial, or celebration of life?

The submissions within are from professionals in the field of death and bereavement support and from laypeople, all of whom share stories of dying family members, friends, clients, and patients. Julie and Victoria, the coauthors of this book, also share stories from their personal and professional experiences. Journey's End is a broadly comprehensive book about death, dying, and the end of life.

About the Author

Victoria Brewster and Julie Saeger Nierenberg launched this comprehensive book project with an inspiring conversation about furthering our cultural understanding and acceptance of death, dying, and the end of life. They shared similar goals and complementing backgrounds for this important work. In Journey's End, multiple personal, professional, and societal perspectives provide valuable insights. Victoria and Julie compiled these many and varied quotes, chapters, and resources to serve as a tool for death and dying education, professional training, and grief and bereavement support. Ideal for anyone who will experience death and dying, the book's intended readership includes, whether now or in the future, everyone.