Holistic Self-Care Tools for Caregivers

Care For Yourself While Caring For Others

by Suchinta Abhayaratna, ThD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/15/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781524554811

About the Book

Many of us are caregivers of one kind or another. We are parents who take care of our children, adults who take care of our aging parents, teachers who care for and educate our students, physical- and mental-healthcare practitioners who care for the sick and elderly. We are healers, shamans, coaches, hairdressers, aestheticians. We provide invaluable service to others but tend to forget ourselves. I am one of you. However, over the past twenty years, I have learned how important it is to be aligned with the whole of who we are. When we are fully present to ourselves, we are more present to the people we serve. In this book, I share what I learned from years of in-depth study of energy medicine. It enabled me to heal and move through my health challenges with grace and ease, using the quick, easy, and effective subtle energy tools and processes that evolved into the CHI Self-Care System. This book helps you discover the energy tools that you already have and use them to care for yourself, be healthier, and more balanced while you care for others.

About the Author

Suchinta Abhayaratna is a transformational psychologist and a holistic self-transformation coach in private practice with individuals and groups in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and online. The Creative Holistic Integration (CHI) Self-Care System is based on her own self-healing journey and over twenty years of intensive study of energy healing to overcome her own health challenges. She received a doctorate from Holos University in 2010 for her research on the effects of the wholeness exercise on Sri Lankan youth who had lost close family in the 2004 tsunami. In Kenya, she shared the CHI self-care tools with cancer patients, their caregivers, teachers working in HIV-affected communities, and women subject to domestic violence.