Love Bug’s Tale

by Mary Osgood



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/09/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781465362797
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781465362803

About the Book

“Mary Osgood has done it again! Love Bug is an incredibly sweet story that perfectly describes the trauma that many children face as they navigate life in the foster care and adoption systems. In fact, as I read the story to my 11-year-old, he said, “Hey, she used my life to tell that story! That is what I do.” He recognized himself in Love Bug’s behaviors. What I really loved about this story is that it carefully shows that there is a reason behind the behaviors. If we don’t understand what it is that is behind them, we will never be able to successfully address those behaviors. My children and I enjoyed the story, and I imagine that all other children and parents will, too. As we read about Love Bug and his forever mom, we smiled big huge smiles, looked deep into each other’s eyes, and then shared warm and snugly hugs. The story is special, and reading it with my children allowed us to experience some profoundly intimate moments. It allowed us a chance to talk about some very diffi cult issues in an easy and non-threatening manner. Seeing cute little puppies facing the challenges of foster care made it easier for my children to discuss those challenges in their own lives. Thank you, Mary, for this treasure. You are a gem and your stories are priceless.” Lori Thomas co-author with Michael Trout, The Jonathon Letters “Finally, a book for kids experiencing the insecurity associated with foster care and visitation! Love Bug’s Tale takes away the rejection and allows the child to view their situation through a new lens.” Pat Ann St. Germain, M.A, L.P.C Clinic Director Healing Hearts Family Counseling Center, LLC Hi Mary, Just wanted to say thanks so much. It [Love Bug’s Tale] is a really good story and I would love to use it in the magazine. Best wishes, Karam Radwan, Editor Fostering Families Today Adoption Today

About the Author

Mary Osgood and her husband, Dean, live in a tiny town in rural Wisconsin with their five children (and five poodles). Three of their children were adopted through foster care and two were adopted after “failed” international adoptions from orphanages in Russia and Ethiopia. Their children’s struggles through foster care and adoption have inspired them to gain therapeutic parenting solutions that enable their family to thrive against many odds. Some of the trainings and techniques that have been instrumental in their kids’ healing process are working with a Trauma and Attachment therapist that specializes in foster care and adoption issues, horse therapy, sensory integration therapy, love and logic techniques, establishing a Reactive Attachment Disorder support group, and creating their kids’ healing stories. Creating photo books and reading and rereading their healing stories has made a tremendous impact on helping their children to process their traumatic pasts so that they can move forward and truly heal. When they realized how rare children’s books on overturned adoptions and other adoption issues were, they felt compelled to use their kids’ triumphs to help other children struggling with the healing process.