Talisman of Hope

by James M Andrews



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/07/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 502
ISBN : 9798369496558
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 502
ISBN : 9798369496541

About the Book

In July 1745, Charles Edward Stuart landed in Scotland and raised his royal colours to stake his claim to the British throne. The Jacobite rebellion to oust the German King George of England began and many highland clans pledged their support for the struggle. The driving force for the novel is the transformation of James MacGillivray, the son of the clan chieftain, from a naive young Scottish highlander living the easy-going life of a cattle herder to the harsh reality of the battle-hardened warrior. With the help of Robbie, his older brother, he has to put aside his genial manner and force himself to serve his clan. The horror of warfare, the noise, smells, and inhumanity as men brutality slay one another eventually becomes second nature to his survival. The rebellion, nothing more than a folly, concludes in the humiliating defeat of the Jacobites in April 1746 on Culloden Moor, north of Inverness in the Scottish Highlands. James, defeated in battle, lives as an exile in his own country, before being captured and sent to the prison hulks in England. He is then forced to enlist in the British Army as they attempt to subdue Ireland, he spies for the Irish Brotherhood, fights in the American Colonies as the British oust the French, and finally returns to Scotland where he can seek retribution against his wrongdoers. His journey into manhood is harrowing as he deals with imprisonment, betrayal, and personal loss. Throughout the ordeal, James placed his trust in an heirloom, a silver plaid brooch, a lucky talisman that has served him and his clan well in the past.

About the Author

I am Scottish by birth, with both English and Irish bloodlines. I emigrated to Australia 36 years ago. Married for 47 years, I have three sons and four grandchildren who live in Australia. I have been an avid history buff since I began to read. I detest warfare but have the utmost respect for the strength, conviction, courage, and resilience shown by the individuals and people it encompasses. I hope to show in my book the personal cost and futility of war. The tale is a recounting of the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745, of the injustice and genocide carried out by the British government against the Highland Scots. The survivors lived in hope for happier times, free from oppression. The book is a sprawling tale that covers several continents, beginning in Scotland and then moving to England, Ireland, the new American colonies, and Canada before returning to Scotland. The actual characters in the book are a product of my imagination, although I have endeavoured to portray the historical leaders, timelines, and events as true as possible. The personalities and descriptions of my characters are based on real people I grew up with, good or bad. There are no superheroes, or knights in shining armour riding in to save the day, only the grit and determination required to meet every challenge that life throws up. The main character not only endures his ordeal but eventually finds peace and joy back in his homeland This is my account of the genocide carried out against the Scottish Highlanders during the period of the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. I have attempted to relate this history through my novel and convey the cost to the Scottish nation as its people were transported to the British colonies around the world.