America's Journey to the Dumpster

The Rise and Fall of the Great American Republic

by Russell Trevillian



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 22/05/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 211
ISBN : 9780738868318

About the Book

Americas Journey to the Dumpster is an  overview of  our American nation.  How it started, how it became great, and what factors are leading the United States down the path to the oblivion that has befallen other former great Republics of the World. This book is a call-to-arms to the silent majority and every other freedom loving American. It is recommended reading for everyone who is not aware of  the betrayal being perpetrated by the cultural revolution of the politically correct movement. We proponents of personal liberty need to speak out for our freedoms before even more are eroded.

About the Author

   Russell Trevillian is a retired electronics engineer. During his career in the communications and broadcasting industry he was instrumental in bringing television to several areas in Texas.  His work gave him the opportunity to meet many interesting people, some famous and some not so famous. He was also privileged to be on hand to witness and participate in many memorable historic events.

Through the years Mr. Trevillian has witnessed many changes. Some  of these changes have been remarkable innovations which touched the lives of everyone. Television and computers being the most significant. However, many changes have come about within our nation which are very disturbing.  The education of our young citizens is where we find a particularly unnerving situation. Our youth are graduating without knowing how to read and write with any degree of literacy. They rank near the bottom of twenty one of the world’s industrialized nations in academic achievement. This generation of functional illiterates will become our nation’s leaders of tomorrow.

Even more disturbing is the reality that our nation’s young people are not being taught the truths about the founding of our nation and what it represents. Which are personal freedom and liberty. Those who would destroy our great nations values have been able to infiltrate our institutions to advance their agenda of  political correctness propaganda. History is being rewritten to show that our founding fathers were not men of strong moral values and integrity with a great love of personal freedom for everybody.  

This book is a call-to-arms to the silent majority and every other freedom loving American. It is recommended reading for everyone who is not aware of  the betrayal being perpetrated by the cultural revolution of the politically correct movement. We proponents of personal liberty need to speak out for our freedoms before even more are eroded.

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