Hotter Than!

by Warren E. Henderson



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 19/09/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781425784638

About the Book

One of the most deepest, truest, rawest, versatile, informative, knowledgeable books of the Century. A must read for every color of people, every class of people, every mind set of people, for all people of indoctrination. Things you thought you knew about but didn’t really know about. Things that happen in the past, that’s happening now in the present, that’s going to happen in the future. Things you want to know about, need to know about, must know about, should have known about, now will know about, damn sure won’t forget about.

About the Author

Warren E. Henderson, was born and raised in North Philadelphia, by his mother Marguerite Henderson, his beloved God and strength who he dedicated all that’s pure and beautiful in this world to Warren also have seven unpublished manuscripts just waiting to enlighten his readers. Unfortunately, for nearly the past nineteen years he has been behind the prison walls. Anyone wishing to write to him about anything, you may feel free. He can be located in one of the state prison systems of Pennsylvania, for now, that is.