by Jack W. Langford



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/12/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 253
ISBN : 9781465399496
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 253
ISBN : 9781465399489

About the Book

What has been called the “Gap Theory” was a popular and consistent explanation of the first chapter of Genesis among fundamental, evangelical Christians up through the mid 1900s. With the rise of Young Earth Creationism, the gap theory was simply pushed to the background and ridiculed as a past effort to satisfy the claims of modern evolutionary science. In effect, the new teachers buried this doctrine with the debris of Noah’s flood deposits. However, we shall see in this study that the YEC effectively left the literal Biblical record of Genesis 1 and leaped into the realm of pseudo-science to claim that Noah’s flood deposited all the various sedimentary strata of the whole earth. In addition, they pontifically assert that the whole heavens and earth are only about 6000 years old. This study is going to prove that the YEC are the very ones who do not take the Scriptures literally. This study will prove conclusively that Moses did not make the blunder of either stating or inferring the earth is only 6000 years old. There is an abundance of biblical evidences that the Gap is not a theory, but a fact! In this study you will find that certain of the prophets and an apostle were inspired of God to look back in time, even to the “backside of earth’s history,” We shall be surprised to find that the past is as captivating as the future. In fact, as we better understand the past, we shall better comprehend the future.   The cover picture is from two pages of the Jewish Sarajevo Haggadah, as seen in the Saravejou museum in Spain. This work was done in 1400 CE. The pictures on each page are to be read in the Hebrew manner from right to left. The pictures graphically depict the six-day activity of God in preparing the earth of man’s habitation. Two things are to be noted: first, these six days are preceded by a scene of the earth in a chaotic condition as described in the second verse of Genesis 1 (first fame, upper right hand corner); second, on the first day light was made and nothing else ( third verse of Genesis 1, second frame). Obviously, this six hundred year old work was not influenced by modern scientific theories, rather it represents a long standing interpretation in Judaism.

About the Author

Early in his ministry Jack W. Langford stepped outside of the traditional man-made religious organizations in Christendom and served the only Church that Christ is building – the body of Christ – Eph. 4:1-4. He exemplified a Bible-teaching ministry, conducted several radio programs, held public discussions with both atheists and cult leaders, and traveled to several countries. For the last twenty years he has written and published many Biblical studies on a wide variety of subjects.