Wise In The Road...

by Edwards R. Hopple



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/07/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 211
ISBN : 9781441503589
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 211
ISBN : 9781441503572

About the Book

The book is divided into three sections. The first contains paragraphs of things I remember and things that were important. The second so-called section contains details of certain events, probably found in the first section. You will know when the first section ends that you are starting on the second. Same idea for the third where there are a bunch of certificates, letters, etc. that I thought were worth keeping.

About the Author

Born on January 6, 1930 in Cincinnati, Ohio, Edwards R. Hopple attended Kindergarten through the 12th grade at the same schoolhouse in Wyoming, Ohio. In 1952, he received a BA from Amherst and spent one year at the Harvard School of Law before Uncle Sam called and Ed was drafted into the Army. During his stint in the service, Ed married Cathie Thomas in 1955. Upon discharge from the service, Ed ad Cathie moved to New York City where he entered the advertising business. From NYC the couple then moved to North Lake Tahoe where they became part owners of the Tahoe Biltmore Hotel. Las Vegas was the next stop with Ed taking over as advertising manager of the Flamingo Hotel. Along the way, Ed and Cathie became parents of three daughters, Lori, Meri and Susan. In 1960, Ed left the Flamingo and became part owner of KENO Radio in Las Vegas. Eventually KENO was sol and the family moved to Bakersfield, California where they lived for 40+ years. Ed became a pioneer in Spanish language radio when he purchased KWAC Radio and later KIWI-FM & KCHJ. He sold his broadcast properties in 2001 and is now retired, spending five months in Baja Sur, Mexico at Cabo San Jose, 3 months in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York, and the remainder of the year in Bakersfield. Ed has three grandsons and two granddaughters. This book was created so his kids and grandkids would have a glimpse of the old man, pictured above sailing along on Lake Champlain and hoping to find another “Y” in the road…