Evolution and Prosperity


by Arnaldo L. Soares



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/10/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 213
ISBN : 9781479711222
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 213
ISBN : 9781479711215

About the Book

The book “evolution and prosperity” has for objective to help and guide readers to grow, prosper and develop business, life, and entire family. Techniques and improvement will really help you to move forward with security and cautions. This book contains stories that will make you feel good and entertaining, which is going to elevate your esteem and happiness. Educational teachings in most areas of life will really qualify you guide your own life and even all family, to the right direction of success, on present and future. Important new revelations are described. Biblical prophecies that are going to happen on earth are defi ned and explained with more width, which will make you understand in simple way, why calamities and chaos are increasing in our planet. You will know a very nice discovery in our genesis; an option to choose the sex of our baby before pregnancy of the wife. You really will prosper, and will become smart to conduct life on day by day. If you are sick, no matter the situation you are at, there is a powerful prayer in this book, which could bring you the miracle you are waiting for.

About the Author

"Soares, a simple and humble man, who worked hard since childhood, a man who appreciates so much Creation and fears its Creator, a man who believes in evolution and doesn't accept failure. A follower of the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, has always reached success in everything planned. Rich in theology, and so many ways experienced in life, he has insights on different situations that involves people, children, youth, woman and man. Used to be an English teacher, and was a model photographer. Great experience in logistics , transport, import and export with great knowledge in general road and street traffic. As evangelist knows about prophecies, in what matters and spiritual