Remove God??... How???

by F (Hajji) Cowan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/05/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781499019742

About the Book

This is intended to be a one person rejection of our system which is adapted from so many systems of our past. They ultimately lead to our demise as our history teaches us. If we don’t follow our spiritual leaders, like so many of our predecessors, history tells us that we are doomed. Our elected officials are only interested in money and how to keep it flowing at the expense of our morality. Our first priority should be obeying our Creator and not removing him.

About the Author

find it quite odd that the storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc., seem to be arriving in biblical proportions during the latter days of my life. We have substituted a money based society for a God based society. Everything we do is predicated on revenue. It is ironic when we think that in order to rebuild from these disastrous occurrences, it takes quite a bit of revenue. We must use that hard earned revenue, in rebuilding, to allow us to get back to the status that Our Creator provided for us in the first place. It seems there is a lesson here. We had been Blessed from the beginning but we opted for money instead of morality. Quite a bit of that same money has to be used to rebuild.