Petals in the Wind

by Chimanlal Patel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/09/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781514403839
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781514403822

About the Book

The title of the book PETALS IN THE WIND is also the title of his longest poem in this book. It depicts events that lead to India's partition into two separate states, India and Pakistan. It is about the greatest exodus on earth that took place in 1947 when millions of people flee from their country in search of another home in a distant land. In the process they got separated from their families, friends, relatives, and loved ones never to meet them again like petals that fell off the flower and got scattered in the wind never to reattach again. Back in Kenya, he saw the independence movement brewing up. Although born in Kenya, he sailed to India in a dhow during World War II, at the age of six. This book contains poems written in different parts of the world and can be enjoyed by any reader, especially those with political or historical perspective.

About the Author

Chimanlal Patel graduated from the University of Bombay in India and obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees in political science. He also studied law for a while in Michigan and Kenya where he was born. His poems have appeared in anthologies, an Indian newspaper and in Poetry Society of Michigan newsletter. He read his poem at the International Society of Poets convention in Las Vegas.

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