Leadership and Management: Connecting the Dots

Book 2

by Dr. Reginald Wilkinson Foreword by Scott Marquardt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/04/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781669821670
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781669821687

About the Book

The topic of leadership is, undeniably, anything but simple given its multitudinous strategies, styles, and nuances. This book is designed to be a resource guide for readers interested in adopting proven strategies to achieve quality results. The encyclopedic layout serves to make these complex topics easier to navigate and absorb. It is an exploration of a diverse variety of successful approaches to leadership and management spanning business, government, and nonprofit sectors. This guide surveys effective strategies that have been around for decades, while integrating more current constructs based on new and cutting-edge research. Subject-matter experts who provide further and concise viewpoints are cited throughout.

About the Author

Reginald Wilkinson, Ed.D., has five decades of leadership experience. He has held many justice leadership positions including serving as head of Ohio’s corrections system and as a member of law enforcement advisory boards. His education background includes leading two non-profit higher education organizations as well as serving as serving on the Ohio State Board of Education. He is currently a member of The Ohio State University Board of Trustees and Chairs the Dean’s Advisory Council for the University of Cincinnati College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services. Dr. Wilkinson also is a Board of Directors member for two corporations and an advisor to several other companies. He has received numerous awards including an honorary doctorate degree from Tiffin University. He earned B.A. and M.A. degrees from Ohio State and a Doctor of Education degree from the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Wilkinson is the author of many book chapters and journal articles including the 2018 edition of Leadership and Management: Connecting the Dots. He lives in Columbus, Ohio.