The Astral-Planar Rocketeer. Volume 1.
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About the Book
Herein Volume 1, we explore principally relativistic rocket flight in so-called astral planes. Accordingly, we include formulas for relativistic rocket flight performance, fuel supplies, shielding, and the like. In this volume, we cover more or less conventional relativistic rockets and astral planar analogs. We approach the notions of astral planar flight in formulaic detail in the following manners. First, we consider astral planar variables in associated equations and formulas as derived from axiomatic modifications of equations and formulas for conventional relativistic rocket flight. Second, we assume closely parallel formulaic analogs with known relativistic flight formulas under the assumption that since it appears that the laws of physics in our physical realm are the way they are because that is the way they must be for the physical cosmos to per due. Third, we assume that the fundamental constants in astral planar laws are analogs of those in the physical realm and indeed must be so as to provide stability in astral planes and associated rocket travel. Fourth, we assume that no-go theorems such as the chronological protection conjecture and the certainty of light-speed limits in our physical universe have analogs in astral planes. Fifth, we assume that the operation of fiat such as rockets in astral planes operate in close analogies with the operation of such craft as would occur in our physical realm. Sixth, we assume that except for higher levels of intellectual, emotional, social, and psychological functioning in astral planes compared to that of us in the physical realm, astral planar proverbial landscape is similar looking to that of present day physicality. We base this assumption on the common and repeated content of personal accounts of near death experiences and the like and how such experiences are similar to those in the physical world such as the perception of colors, the existence from lush grassy meadow, flowers, animal playing together in the presence of Jesus, and the like. Astral planes are assumed to come in a plethora of levels. The first level is most closely analogous to the physical realm accept at a higher more refined level. In Volume 1, we concern our formulas, natural constants, topologies, geometries and other kinematic aspects in a first level of astral planes as more closely related to that in the visible physical realm. The book is divided into two main parts. The first part considered conventional relativistic rocket flight in the physical realm while the second part considers analogs in a first level of astral planes. In many cases for the portion of the book on astral planar rocket flight, we do not always specifically replace word for word of, say for instance, relativistic rocket with astral-planar relativistic rocket, nor other words of primary themes. However, the context in which dual wordage is provided is made clear in the astral-planar analogues. In Volume 1, we consider astral-planar analogs of relativistic rocket flight in a first level and category of performance, such as for example, conventional relativistic rocket flight in the range of Lorentz factors ranging from just a bit greater than one to values on the order of billions and trillions.