In Our History

by Julian Van Dyke



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/06/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9798369421079

About the Book

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About the Author

Julian K. Van Dyke is a writer, painter, and actor. Julian K. Van Dyke the actor has been on stage in several theater productions (Bus Stop, Cobb, Bud, Not Buddy, and Sweat) in the Riverwalk Theater, located in his hometown of Lansing and East Lansing, Michigan. Julian K. Van Dyke the painter and muralist has completed commissioned art murals on walls of his hometown and has showed his work at the Agora Gallery, located in the art district of Manhattan, New York. His work appeared recently at the sold-out Red Dot Art Fair, located in the Mana Wynwood art district of Miami, Florida. Julian Van Dyke the writer is the author of The Music We Call Jazz, The Things We Do at My School, Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom, and Does This Make You A Bully? He also created So You Think You Can Color?, a coloring book for all ages. He finds time to visit schools and talk to students and feels that art is strengthened when it’s shown and given to our youth.