
Christine Whitman & the Great New Jersey Pension F

by Peter Christensen



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 1/05/1998

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9780738810423
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9780738810430

About the Book

"Shenanigans" is a brilliantly written book about the Machiavellian maneuverings between the most powerful political forces in New Jersey. Peter Christensen, who himself was an integral player in the story, recounts how Governor Christie Todd Whitman and her allies fought the largest unions in New Jersey in an attempt to keep her promise to reduce taxes by shell-gaming the pensions funds of over 500,000 New Jersey state workers and teachers. Mr Christensen's captivating style accurately depicts each calculated step of the political and legal wranglings which finally culminated in a surprising compromise that will burden New Jersey tax payers for decades to come. as a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, Mr. Christensen lucidly chronicles the inner workings of the state pensions system and allows the reader a rare glimpse of how billions of state pension dollars have been used in a political numbers game."

John D. Marshall, F.S.A.

"Shenanigans indeed! These events, this book, and this author present individually and collectively an odyssey like no other I have ever experienced. The events surround a massive pension raid by a popular governor on one of the nation's largest and arguably best public pension funds. The book is impeccably written and true to the facts. Presented in colorful, often humorous prose it accomplishes the impossible task of reducing the morass of actuary mumbo-jumbo to a level that the most unsophisticated mathephoic can understand and deal with.  The author, who is one of the most unforgettable characters I have ever met, has become my close friend. Peter Christensen is the consummate actuary. he not only has mastered this arcane art/science but he can communicate this mastery to the lay person. I recommend the book without reservation. Having lived it I know it to be true. Having read it I know it can capture the interest of readers of all backgrounds and vocations."

Harry W. Baldwin

Chairman N.J. Teachers Pension and Annuity Fund

About the Author

[Peter Christensen]"...who is one of the most unforgettable characters I have ever met, has become my close friend. Peter Christensen is the comsummate actuary. He not only has mastered this arcane art/science but he can communicate this mastery to the lay person."

-Harry Baldwin, Chairman N. J. Teachers Pension and Annuity Fund