Ichiro on Ichiro

Interviews with Narumi Komatsu

by Narumi Komatsu



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 1/08/2002

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 163
ISBN : 9781401058104
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 163
ISBN : 9781401058098

About the Book

     The Seattle Mariners´ outfielder Ichiro Suzuki talked to a Japanese sports journalist ALL ABOUT HIS BASEBALL LIFE. The interviews add up to 40 hours! Sinchosha, a Japanese major publishing house since 1896, publishes the books. All Ichiro´s and the Mariners´ fans will find out how eloquent the new superstar is.

     The interview for Chapter One was done in Seattle just a few days after the 2001 American League MVP Award winner was announced. Ichiro took so much time to share with Ms. Komatsu about his whole first year in Major League Baseball. How did he become top batter and top base stealer? How did he adjust himself to MLB?

     He was just as insightful and analytical as when she interviewed him previously in Japan and the States from the autumun of 1999 to the spring of 2001. These previous interviews covered many questions ranging from the day when Ichiro was first given a glove by his father at the age of five to the days just before the 2001 season began. What made him such a fantastic baseball player? What made him decide to come to America to play in MLB?

About the Author