A Secret Errand

And The Death of an American Dream

by George B. Eronini



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 23/09/1998

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 361
ISBN : 9780738801773
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 361
ISBN : 9780738801780

About the Book

George Bestman never envisaged being shackled inside a police custody van and siren-speeded to a courthouse. Any courthouse. He had grown up in a strong Catholic family, and therefore had common dreams that include having to be the dignitary siren-speeded in a motorcade to a great government office, where the very awesome state affairs would be congenially and effectively handled. Or, for that matter, where he would be surrounded by a distinguished team of advisers, each eloquently dishing out his best opinion to impress and gain the rewarding confidence of His Excellency.

George Bestman is just like the great majority of the world's conscientious citizens, who have innate fear of God, and tremendous respect for all the principles governing human dignity. One could have been in the same predicament had the person been infinitely cajoled by the influential powers of friendship and loyalty, since a bad apple almost always ruins the bunch. This book, therefore, will imaginatively bring a reader awfully close to becoming a lawful individual with purple heart, who suddenly finds himself a villain of priority law of the land. One who would be ragingly eyed with vicious wishes. Hopefully this could serve as a deterrent to a potential lawbreaker, or one considered gullible to the influence of friendship and loyalty, from any further consideration of committing crime, be it income tax violation or murder.

"Speaking Of Madness" depicts George's involvement in drug trafficking and the harrowing experiences that resulted. He vividly describes the circumstances involved in how he became lured into the world of drug importation.

After a trip to Nigeria, his tenant, James, tells him about his successful venture in swallowing bags of heroin and transporting them back to the United States. He then discovers that several of his friends, including Dennis Metu, also took part in the smuggling escapades.

The plot continues to thicken as he relays details of Nigerian culture, the reluctance with which he performed his duties, and the ominous feelings that he experienced when a bag of heroin he had ingested, begins to feel as though it exploded inside of him. Upon arriving at Kennedy International airport, the U.S. Customs brings him in for questioning. An x-ray unveils the bags of heroin in his intestines, and he is subsequently arrested.

The descriptions of his resulting jail stay and ensuing trial heighten the intensity of his story while the use of colloquial dialogue adds to the overall quality of this true life work.

About the Author

George Eronini arrived in the United States in 1980, and attended Strayer College in Washington, D.C. In this book, he chronicles an extraordinary event that changed his life forever.