The Legacy of Zig

A Return to Marblehead

by S. Scott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/03/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 191
ISBN : 9781469184203
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 191
ISBN : 9781469184197

About the Book

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About the Author

S. Scott, a native of Marblehead, Massachusetts, shares her Dylan Thomas vision of New England and love of Eastern Spiritual Thought (EST) in this book of poems. Colorful of Romantic thought: early partriot heroism, seascapes and hollyhock she combines with her love of simplicity, sincerity and satori. The author, who has experienced eclectic living, was once employed by Disneyland as a magician in Merlin's Magic Shop, and has also been a kindergarten and Special Education teacher. She is the founder of the Quaint Corner Children's Museum in Altoona, Pennsylvania, and currently holds a dual residence in Marblehead, Massachusetts and Alameda, California. "My mind is a great joy to me. It seems everyone can find a measure of personal wisdom if patient and aware long enough. In reverie first we come to our image of the epic hero; in work and deed can we come to that nobility." The author has also published a trilogy of novelettes, Maggoty, and five books of poetry, From Sage to Song, Water Table, Voyage From a Lady Slipper, I Am a Superfluous Woman, and Daybreak, all of which are available on major internet bookseller sites.