From Sage to Song

Internet A Book of Poems and Sayings

by S. Scott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/05/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 99
ISBN : 9781477101247
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 99
ISBN : 9781477101254

About the Book

The subtle world knows poetry is the music of life and
happy interneting.

I've tried to recount in my poetry every feeling of humanity;
the silly, serious and sad are all pondered in my verse. Some are
rhyme and some are fragmented rhyme because arduous is my
struggle to be part of One Measure. Humble my feeling that I
am somewhat of a magic bag trickster and trick combined,
sharing the memories and experiences of who I am in the sea, in
the song of others.
Poetry for the young seems an unfamiliar ear but for the
mature, a flute into heaven. For those who don't find friendship
and feeling in poetry, maybe it's because they are still being
called to themselves.
Glowing insight bring forth your verse - Verse.

S. Scott

About the Author

S. Scott, a native of Marblehead, Massachusetts, shares her Dylan Thomas vision of New England and love of Eastern Spiritual Thought (EST) in this book of poems. Colorful of Romantic thought: early partriot heroism, seascapes and hollyhock she combines with her love of simplicity, sincerity and satori. The author, who has experienced eclectic living, was once employed by Disneyland as a magician in Merlin's Magic Shop, and has also been a kindergarten and Special Education teacher. She is the founder of the Quaint Corner Children's Museum in Altoona, Pennsylvania, and currently holds a dual residence in Marblehead, Massachusetts and Alameda, California. "My mind is a great joy to me. It seems everyone can find a measure of personal wisdom if patient and aware long enough. In reverie first we come to our image of the epic hero; in work and deed can we come to that nobility." The author has also published a trilogy of novelettes, Maggoty, and five books of poetry, From Sage to Song, Water Table, Voyage From a Lady Slipper, I Am a Superfluous Woman, and Daybreak, all of which are available on major internet bookseller sites.