Little Angels in Pink and Friends
Book Details
About the Book
Little Angel in Pink and Friends
is a story that I have written in memory of my
daughter Laurie Jean.
She went to heaven to be with JESUS when she was an infant from a serious
heart defect.
Making the story a fun place for little angels like Laurie Jean helped me to be
able to think of her without hurting inside.
I will always keep her in my heart, but knowing she is with JESUS and
the precious Angels makes me feel at peace inside.
Laurie Jean’s age in the book is five years old, the reason for that at the age of
five, I was placed in a children’s home.
This story has also helped me cope with that part of my life.
I pray that this precious book will help children with serous illnesses, see that
heaven is a beautiful place. And that JESUS is there to Love and care for them.
Laurie Jeans, friend Timmy was a young boy that had cancer.
Logan was Laurie Jean’s cousin that went to heaven as an infant.
Quack-Quack was a little baby duck that had drown in a family pool.
They all had families here on earth.
This book is in memory of them also.
God is so precious to all children and their families.
My heart goes out to all parents. It’s not easy these days.
Raising children, it’s much harder when you have a child that has an illness.
God bless!