The Return to Coatlicue

Goddesses and Warladies in Mexican Folklore

by Grisel Gomez- Cano



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/09/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 275
ISBN : 9781450091558
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 275
ISBN : 9781450091565
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 275
ISBN : 9781450091541

About the Book

Folklore yields important information about society and culture, helping to propagate beliefs, morals, and values. The study of Mesoamerican folklore offers a unique opportunity for understanding the religious syncretism occurring when powerful groups colonize others. This work provides insight into a selected number of narratives, rituals, and artifacts originating from pre-Conquest, colonial, and revolutionary periods. The purpose is to disclose issues of militarism, religious syncretism, resistance, and gender relations in Mexican society.

About the Author

La Dra. Grisel Gómez-Cano dirige las cátedras de humanidades, historia y estudios mejicanos y latino-americanos del Houston Community College. Ha publicado varios libros y artículos sobre el folklore mesoamericano y venezolano Ilustraciones por Jorge Briceño, artista visual y educador venezolano, quien estudió arte en Brazil, Chile, Venezuela y México. Actualmente desarrolla su trabajo en Venezuela y Houston y ha expuesto su obra en Europa y América. Photo: Ernesto Leόn