A Life Measured by the Minute

by Gary D. Henry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/11/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 219
ISBN : 9781441594822
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 219
ISBN : 9781450002172
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 219
ISBN : 9781441594839

About the Book

A minute is measured, by many, as a trivial moment of time. I, however, see it as sixty seconds allotted to progress one’s life or further our understanding that we all have a limited amount of time on this earth to make our mark worthy of remembrance. For some, a minute is a lifetime, for others, a mere hindrance to greater things. It lives and it dies along with us through various adventures, and its importance is weighed with our choices in our life. I live by the minute because life, just like time, takes no breaks. I view my life as a never-ending minute of work and dedication to my passions in my life. I have a life dedicated to my wife and sons, although the paths I’ve chosen for myself have been perilous and not without the demons that possess everyone at times. I have veered from this path numerous times. However, I always have one eye on the ultimate goal and have broken down hundreds of barriers designed to prevent me from achieving it. Each barrier I smash through makes the urgency of the struggle much more acute. I live my life waiting and preparing for the next one in hopes that this will be the last one and finally, at long last, I can rest knowing that I have succeeded in life. I’m Don Hyler and this is my story.

About the Author

Gary D. Henry spent over twenty years in the environmental field and another fifteen years as a Government contractor. That is where he found the desire to write. As a technical writer for many of these years, he has written countless reports regarding testing procedures and testing results presented to Government agencies. Recently, he has had the desire to write stories. This came from a short story written about Alzheimer’s disease, which claimed the life of his father, Ray Henry in early 2009. The short story was given to Leeza Gibbons at her request for her to use with a visual piece that she was planning. His first six novels being “The Westward Journey of the Nebraskan Wind,” “The Castle Dark of Upstate,” “A life Measured by the Minute” “Opulence Among Us” “The Books of James C. Patch: The Barrier”, “The Books of James C. Patch: Returning” are presently published and available on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble and many other online outlets. His eighth novel “Abraham Markem and the Amazing White Dog” and “Legacy of the Unsung” is presently in the publication phase and will be available soon. He is presently writing his ninth novel, the third in the Jim Patch series, to be completed in early August 2010.