Legacy of the Unsung

by Gary D. Henry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/08/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 473
ISBN : 9781453540862
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 473
ISBN : 9781453540848
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 473
ISBN : 9781453540855

About the Book

This is a story about Joseph Patrick. As boy he was disliked for a very good reason. He was a classic bully who stole and cheated his way through school and was destined to do the same into adulthood. He didn’t have to be that way because he was a genius but chose to be the way he was His mother and Uncle Joe tried to keep him on the right path but there was no stopping young Joe. He lied, cheated and stole his way into a CEO position and quickly became a very rich man. Wealth was all that he needed. He always viewed his friends as people who just wanted his money and that was it. His mother always bragged about Joe’s ancestry and what great men they were. Joe was living in the Internet age and he looked them all up but they were no where to be found and thought that if they did such great things then they should be mentioned, but they weren’t. Joe’s father was a great man. He and his brother, Joe Mclain, went to war but only Joe came back. Many thought that young Joe acted the way he did because he grew up without a father. His father died the day he was born and Joe vowed to look after young Joe and his mother for the rest of his life. Uncle Joe took young Joe camping all the time and he told him stories of a red door to the past that appeared to show people the right path in life. Joe was on a collision course with the mystical red door and five lifetimes of adventures were in his immediate future culminating with an ending that will both shock and endear him to what’s important in life.

About the Author

Gary D. Henry spent over twenty years in the environmental field and another fifteen years as a Government contractor. That is where he found the desire to write. As a technical writer for many of these years, he has written countless reports regarding testing procedures and testing results presented to Government agencies. Recently, he has had the desire to write stories. This came from a short story written about Alzheimer’s disease, which claimed the life of his father, Ray Henry in early 2009. The short story was given to Leeza Gibbons at her request for her to use with a visual piece that she was planning. His first six novels being “The Westward Journey of the Nebraskan Wind,” “The Castle Dark of Upstate,” “A life Measured by the Minute” “Opulence Among Us” “The Books of James C. Patch: The Barrier”, “The Books of James C. Patch: Returning” are presently published and available on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble and many other online outlets. His eighth novel “Abraham Markem and the Amazing White Dog” and “Legacy of the Unsung” is presently in the publication phase and will be available soon. He is presently writing his ninth novel, the third in the Jim Patch series, to be completed in early August 2010.