FAIRY GIFTS (Tales of Enchantment)

Plays for Youth Theater adapted from various sources of folklore

by Ruby L. Agnir



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/03/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 179
ISBN : 9781441594471
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 179
ISBN : 9781462831241
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 179
ISBN : 9781441594464

About the Book

        This book was written in answer to the complaint that there are not enough good plays for Youth Theater to produce. Youth Theater is a worthwhile activity for young people to indulge in after class or after school, preempting or preventing involvement in harmful activities otherwise.

        Fairy Gifts (Tales of Enchantment) is a set of 5 plays written in response to that need. Like most plays designed for Youth Theater, the cast of each play could be all children/young people, a mixture of adults and children, or all adults performing for children.

        The plays are based on unfamiliar fairytales and folktales from around the world, to wit:
             “Fairy Gifts” from the French fairy tale by Count de Caylus;
             “The Enchanted Deer” based on the German fairy tale “Little Brother and Little Sister”
                  by the Brothers Grimm;
             “Gems in the Night” adapted from the Punjabi tale “Grasp All, Lose All,” retold by
                  Major Campbell, Feroshepore;
             “The Golden-Headed Fish” adapted from an Armenian tale retold by Frederic Macler,
                  Paris; and
             “The House in the Forest” adapted from the German tale, “The House in the Woods”
                  retold by the Brothers Grimm and other tale-tellers.

        Three of these plays -- “Fairy Gifts,” “The Enchanted Deer,” and “The House in the Forest” -- can also be produced as musicals. The music and songs for these have been composed by the author herself and are available separately.

        To produce any of these plays, send a letter of “Intent to Perform” to the author at this address: Ruby L. Agnir, 6119 Weatherwood Circle, Wesley Chapel, FL 33545.

About the Author

Refining her many special gifts and then dedicating them to the Giver, Ruby L. Agnir’s accomplishments by age 70 include: College instructor of speech, theater arts, and music education courses; Minister/Director of Music of mainline churches; Member, American Guild of Organists; Member, American Choral Directors Association; Church Organist (regular and supply) here and abroad; Soprano Soloist for churches, fraternal organizations, and community choruses; Instructor, voice, organ and piano; Composer, vocal and keyboard music; Founder and Artistic Director of Green Room Players, a community theater company – whose proceeds donated to non-profit organizations include $9,000 to ALS research; Published author of poems, Prisms (2008), plays, Fairy Gifts (2010), and meditations, In Our Music, God (2011). Retired and residing in Wesley Chapel, Florida, Ruby continues to use her talents in her church, community, and fraternal organizations. She is currently the director of the Celebration Choir of Atonement Lutheran Church in Wesley Chapel. A lifetime member of the Order of the Eastern Star (OES) and American Mensa, she is also a member of Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA).