A personal account of paranormal phenomena in some of America's most historic Northeast locations

by Adam Shefts



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/03/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 69
ISBN : 9781483602349
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 69
ISBN : 9781483602363
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 69
ISBN : 9781483602356

About the Book

Adam Shefts has been investigating the paranormal for nearly ten years, linking evidence captured with historic events, places and people. He and his team, Northeast Paranormal Investigations Society (NPIS), conduct investigations of historic properties and have captured convincing evidence of spirit activity, preserving history in a way that can only be accomplished through paranormal investigations. In WHEN GHOSTS APPEAR, HISTORY SPEAKS, Adam shares personal experiences and evidence he and his team have captured while investigating historic locations, most places never before covered in books on the paranormal. The captured evidence he explains can be experienced by the reader at www.northeastparanormal.org

About the Author

Adam Shefts is a history and paranormal enthusiast. He has been investigating the paranormal for nearly ten years in an attempt to link spirit activity with historic events, places and people. He founded Northeast Paranormal Investigations Society (NPIS) in 2009, a team dedicated to documenting evidence of paranormal activity at historic locations, some well-known and others scarcely known. He and his team have been able to successfully document spirit activity which directly correlates with historic events and the people once associated with them. Shefts has traveled to some of the most historic locations across the Northeast region of the United States in his attempt to communicate with and document living history. He and his team have been featured in multiple forms of national media and have conducted presentations in multiple states, successfully raising renovation and program funds for the properties they investigate, a way of helping to keep historic locations around for future generations to enjoy. For more information on NPIS as well as to experience the evidence Shefts explains in WHEN GHOSTS APPEAR, HISTORY SPEAKS, visit www.northeastparanormal.org