Soul-Side Out

Universal Laws to Healing and Living Your Best Life

by Summer Bozohora



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/03/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781984561350
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781984561343
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781984561336

About the Book

Soul Side Out is about healing. It is time. It is time to shift our human perspective and hear the call from universal consciousness. The call is asking that we move away from the violent approach of drugging, numbing, masking, fighting, or surgically removing what is perceived as “not working” in the mind or body. It is about universal laws of healing from the inside out that can be applied to your life that are described in this book. It is a way to be most present, a way to transcend the time-space reality and experience the wave function—the aspect of our mind that knows and identifies with oneness, unity, and unconditional love that transforms and heals. Through this book, you are invited to relearn the language of your soul and shift your perspective of frustration and fear to interest, curiosity, and trust.

About the Author

By accessing the spiritual, emotional and energetic patterns behind her symptoms, Summer has healed from chronic migraines, pre-cervical cancer, a streptococcal blood infection, lichen sclerosis (auto-immune disorder) and has improved her myopia from -5.0 to being legal to drive without glasses in 2006. Summer feels an urgent calling to adopt a more conscious approach to health. She believes that treating the body in separate parts or as separate from the mind and spirit creates long lasting trauma and prevents our evolution. She is the channel for the work of INside-OWT - 5 steps to healing from the inside-out.