Diabetes-Related Knowledge Among Middle-Aged African American Women in North Texas

by Dr. Victor Akhidenor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/10/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781796062182
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781796062199
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781796062205

About the Book

The book is rooted from the idea that Blacks/African American women are more susceptible to suffering from Type-II diabetes; and are unable to manage the disease effectively. My study was to explore why Blacks/African American women are not able to manage the disease compared to other demography. Prior research had indicated that Blacks/African American women are disproportionately affected by diabetes and have a higher incident of diabetes related complications. In the course of my investigation, I discovered that this population are denied access to affordable quality healthcare services and Medicaid insurance. During the studies, data were collected from among the demographic groups from churches, clinics, public libraries, city halls and other public places. Over one hundred and twenty participants responded to the survey questionnaire on Survey Monkey platform. The relationship between self-care efficacy and self-care knowledge, self-care efficacy and self-care management, self-care knowledge and self-care management were tested. The result indicated a moderate correlation, but statistically significantly relationship among the variable.

About the Author

The author is a Nigerian immigrant who relocated to the United States in July, 1987. In order to survive the challenges of the American society, I had to do two jobs while attending classes at Houston Community College where I graduated with an Associate Degree in General Studies. In the midst of taking classes at the community college and working in two fast food restaurants, I was admitted to the University of Houston in pursuit of my undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in Sociology. After completing my studies at the University of Houston with a Bachelor’s degree in Science, I got a job with the Boy Scouts of America in Fort Worth, Texas as District Executive/Urban Director coordinating youth mentorship programs and other related activities like camping and fund raising. After serving in this position for almost two years I transited to work with a friend who owned a Law Firm in Grand Prairies Texas where I specialized in legal research and immigration documentation and litigation assist. During my time at the Law Firm as a Case Manager, I enrolled and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Networking concentration at DeVry University, Irving Texas. In February 2006, I transited to work with U.S. Small Business Administration during hurricane Katrina. During this intermittent employment that lasted over 8 years, I earned a Masters in Business Administration with concentration in Healthcare management in April 2011. Ironically, it was not my intention to read a Doctorate degree until I was laid off from my U.S. government employment. It is pertinent to state that I also worked with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration) at DFW Airport. My lay off from the Small Business Administration prompted me to enroll at the University of Phoenix where I bagged a Doctorate degree in Health Administration in December 2018. I must recognize my dissertation chair, Dr. Craig Follins who worked tirelessly to ensure that I graduated with almost a 4.0 GPA. Kudos to my committee members Dr. Darnell Anderson and Dr. Joann Kovacich for their guidance through the arduous journey. My friend and classmate Dr. Allieu Shaw also played a significant role as a mentor during this process. My family and friends are also deeply appreciated for their unquantifiable support during this struggles that ended up as a milestone in my life. To God be all the glory as all the hard work is beginning to pay off.