Rise of Humanity

by John Battish MS



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/09/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9798369430019
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9798369430026
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9798369430026

About the Book

Human civilizations have been obsessed with creating boundaries. However, conflicts continuously arise from this idea. This is because the Earth is a limited resource. Therefore, the universe is providing clues that expansion into the universe is a better option. The universe wants humanity to breathe life and natural resources into it. The universe wants the knowledge our various cultures have gained. The universe wants the lessons humanity has learned. For human beings, proper respect towards each other and balance within our lives can help us achieve this universal goal. As part of this introspection, this book will provide three steps towards the rise and growth of humanity. The first step will be to find the reason for human suffering on this planet of Earth. Many human civilizations have attempted to find the answer to this question. The second step in this book deals with finding humankind’s responsibilities towards itself. The third step in this book deals with humankind’s responsibility towards other life on this planet. The final step in this book shows how humankind can use its diversity, knowledge, and its creativity to help positively expand into the universe. This book is to bring happiness to those who read and understand this book.

About the Author

John Battish has used the lessons he learned in life to help create this book with the primary purpose of helping the rise and growth of humanity which will enrich the universe. John Battish is a dedicated Clinical Research Site Manager who has monitored various clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi-Aventis, Kite, LabCorp, and Morphotek. These medical trials were designed to help the health of the human population. His vast medical career began at the University of Pennsylvania in the gene therapy department in 1999. John Battish in 2008 earned his Master of Science in Clinical Research Organization and Management from Drexel University Medical School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He then went on to help manage and monitor clinical trials which contributed to the United States Food and Drug Administration approval for key pharmaceutical drugs now used as standard treatment for various cancer therapies. A few of these key drugs using CAR T-Cell Therapy are based on the gene therapy programs that John Battish originally worked on.