Inside Me...

by Dirk De Bock



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/3/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 57
ISBN : 9781479720309
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 57
ISBN : 9781479720316

About the Book

Number three ‘Inside Me’ is looking at you, it comes as no surprise to me. I’m glad to be able to show you more of my stuff, hope you’ll like this little book as well.

I still use the same old patterns, same way of writing. I feel good with the arrangements of my poems, only the ideas are new, everytime again of course. It’s understandable that my work becomes recognizable, sometimes I try to make something different.

Still I can feel that when I read a poem that I’ve written, it gives me shivers, but in a good way as I intend to and so do others to whom I‘ve shown my new works.

Still working together with Xlibris, they have helped me with my first two little poetry works, so I decided to start this third book and publish it again with Xlibris. 

About the Author

I was born the 4th of January in 1958. I became interested in writing, not just writing, ‘cause writing a book is only one story. I wanted to create, make new stories, over and over again. So I started writing poetry, not just a few lines but in a way nobody else does. A whole page with a whole new story.

In a simple manner, poetry for everybody, where one doesn’t need a dictionary to understand, feel and recognize what the poem is about. Everywhere I was, just started writing a few lines on a piece of paper or on a beermat. Sometimes these lines came easy, sometimes it took me many weeks to complete a poem.