In Your Dreams

The Poetry of

by Jim Young



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 3/9/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 91
ISBN : 9780738813233
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 91
ISBN : 9780738813226

About the Book

Within twenty lines Jim Young will transform you into an appreciative fan of poetry.  Throughout In Your Dreams you will repeatedly encounter naked truths in their many forms – the gravity of love, a dead man’s wine, an American Indian’s diary, a go-go dancer, General Washington, a thousand Chevies, and an Aryan teenage girl.  Each poem contains a universal story shared by everyone.

In Your Dreams is a collection of Young’s writings spanning from the 1960’s to the present and represents his dying wish.  In September of 1999 Young was diagnosed with cancer and as a final statement to his life he has published this important collection of poems.  These writings shall be counted in the annals of contemporary American poetry alongside Robert Lowell, James Wright and Robert Bly.

About the Author

Jim Young was born in Butler, Pennsylvania in 1941. After serving four years in the U. S. Marine Corp, he graduated in 1968 from Slippery Rock University with a B. S. degree in English Education. He went on to earn a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing at University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1974 where he studied with contemporary writers Allan Tate and Fred Chappell. While in Greensboro Young suffered a stroke which left him partially paralyzed and without the use of his left arm. The years following his collapse Young struggled with alcoholism, a divorce, frail health, and his teaching career. Writing and performing poetry for his voice eventually became his lifestyle. Young has published a collection of his early poetry called “29 Selected Poems” and can be heard eloquently reading his writings on cassette on the spoken word collection “No Train To Destiny.”