The Good News of the Apocalypse

by Kris Doulos



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 1/13/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 253
ISBN : 9781401081928

About the Book

The apocalypse is the most authentic and accurate book in the bible. There is no bias or distortion from memory because John wrote it as it happened before his eyes. The only real battle of the world is between ‘The Word of God’ and the words of Satan. Satan uses religion, government and commerce to alter God’s word so it becomes ineffective for the salvation of mankind.

While Satan convinces the masses that Jesus is far away building a mansion instead of being here where people need him, this revelation reveals Jesus to be constantly present to give aid and guidance to every believer. This revelation tells about people and events of today and reveals Jesus who promised he would not leave us as orphans.

About the Author

Kris Doulos was born in depression-type poverty. His parents could barely read and write. His teen years were spent with people who were honest, truthful and hardworking but had a low opinion of church people. The Bible was a mystery book about someone called ‘God’. One month before his eighteenth birthday he gave his word to God that he would do what he told him without question or change. Without a Bible or knowledge of its contents, he talked to God the same way he talked to people and listened as God talked to him in thoughts. He began studying the Bible as though his very existence depended upon it. The knowledge gained from two earned degrees is minimal compared to the knowledge gained from his walk with Jesus.