Two Lives: One Autobiography

by Jim Potter



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 1/2/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 337
ISBN : 9781413428599
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 337
ISBN : 9781413428605

About the Book

“Jim, you should write a book.” These comments came after I shared specific experiences with acquaintances and they realized my events may be worthy of sharing with more people. I guess the readers will be the judges of that concept.

In addition, due to the tremendous difference between my able-bodied life and my disabled life in terms of physical aspects, I felt a strong desire to expound on the experiences. My intent in describing the medical specifics regarding my disability is not to overwhelm anyone, but to hopefully stimulate AWARENESS of it and possibly some level of UNDERSTANDING. Except for some of the medical terms, which I have tried to describe in simple everyday language, I believe this book is written so that the reader seldom needs the dictionary. Someone once said, “Keep it simple, stupid” which implies that the real stupid one is the one who writes or speaks with words that few can understand.

It is my hope that in the reading of this material a variety of emotions will be triggered in you, the reader. Empathy is a word often tossed around, but true empathy comes only from having the exact experience while being in the same condition as the one with whom you wish to empathize. Maybe you can come close to empathy through the emotions you feel in reading my stories. For a person with a disability, pity and sympathy are of NO VALUE and false hope that is often given freely generally is very DETRIMENTAL. Positive, realistic encouragement is VALUABLE.

I have included various people by name in this book and I have left some out. It is not my intent to jilt anyone by omitting them nor to harm or embarrass any of those whom I have included. If I have upset anyone, I am deeply sorry.

About the Author

Jim is a man with a strong faith and a positive attitude/self-image which he developed through hard work and many positive experiences. In his life he has experienced some of the highest “highs” and lowest “lows” overcoming adversity after adversity.