While Waiting For A Heart, An Exclusive Book Of Poems

An Exclusive Book Of Poems

by Juana A. Power



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/26/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 57
ISBN : 9781413497342

About the Book

Writer for over 30 years, psychologist overseas, and psychotherapist for at least twenty five years, Juana brings you today these pages so that you too can share some deep existencial moments as a result of her " CHF" Congestive Heat Failure, condition. Juana was diagnosed with CHF at age 40. Medication did not contain the progressive failure the following years. Juana was working full time as a psychotherapist until last June, when she felt her body was giving up on her. She was losing significant weight, was having difficulty moving around, was losing hair and the like. Her first poem "Dilemmas of the Heart" speaks about that frustration she felt in feeling she could no longer go on with the symptoms she was having, and decided to go to the emergency services. After the implantation of her Bilateral Ventricular Assist device (Bi-Vad), Juana started to recover her strength and started writing the poems you'll read now. They talk about the process and the spiritual journey that she embarked upon. These poems will hopefully find echo in the hearts of many other patients and their families and friends. It's a way to share with others pieces of one self, Juana says. Among other accomplishments, and while she still waits for a heart transplant, she has just published a children's book published called "Puya Raimondii. A Seed's Quest for Universal Truths", a book about a seed with consciousness.

About the Author

Puya Raimondii, "A Seed's Quest For Universal Truths" was born as an idea about 4 years before its publication and it was inspired by an article about this spiked unique plant whose origin is the author's home land of birth, La Paz-Bolivia. The thread of life's little coincidences gets represented nicely in Puya's quest. She is an inquisitive being that can't wait to understands what life is about, what little beings like her grow & change and how they fit with the rest of creation. Puya is charming, warm and a very insightful being that appeals to children as much as adults. Juana Asbun Power is the author of other books, fiction and non fiction.