Businessman First
Remembering Henry G. Parks, Jr. 1916-1989 Capturing the Life of a Businessman Who Was African American A Biography

Book Details
About the Book
More than his ad “More Parks Sausages Mom!” “Please!” Henry G. Parks, Jr. was a man before his time. Pioneering in the American free enterprise system he embarked on a journey leading to a multi-million dollar industry. After many endeavors in business, The H.G. Parks, Inc. trading as Parks Sausage became a reality in 1951. With strong aggressive leadership, brilliant marketing and advertising, Mr. Parks build a business that never posted a losing year under his ownership. Park’s Sausage was the first African American owned business to issue stock publicly. Mr. Park’ssuccess caught the attention of some of the leading corporate boards in this country along with national organizations, city, state, and federal leaders. They sought to bring him aboard to share his knowledge, leadership skills, and ability with other leading American business, government and non-profit leaders. This is the story of a businessman who was African American and was optimistic and determined while achieving ultimate success.
About the Author
Maurice W. Dorsey graduated as the only African American in his class at the Bel Air Senior High School, Bel Air, Maryland, in 1965. He earned a bachelor of science degree in home economics from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1970. He then earned a master’s degree in liberal arts from the Johns Hopkins University in 1975 and earned a second master’s degree in education from the Loyola College of Maryland in 1976. He returned to the University of Maryland to earn a PhD in education in 1985. He has worked in both the public and private sectors, finding his career in secondary education, higher education, and government. He retired from the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture in 2012. Businessman First: Remembering Henry G. Parks (1916 to 1989); Capturing the Life of a Businessman Who Was African American; An Authorized Biography is his first book. He resides in Washington, DC.