A Look Through the Rearview Mirror

by Milton Wexler



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/31/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 361
ISBN : 9781401052737
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 361
ISBN : 9781401052744

About the Book

Starting out as an attorney in the depths of the Great Depression, Milton Wexler moved from law to psychoanalysis, training with Theodor Reik in the 1930s, and working at the famed Menninger Foundation in the 1940s. In 1951, with the diagnosis of Huntington´s disease in his wife´s family, he moved to Los Angeles, where he entered private practice, later starting the Hereditary Disease Foundation, a non-profit research organization dedicated to curing Huntington’s and other genetic and neurological disorders. In A Look Through the Rearview Mirror, Wexler tells of his quest to understand and heal some of our most intractable illnesses, while also revealing the human, and sometimes humorous side, of a psychoanalyst’s life.

About the Author

Milton Wexler has been a practicing psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist in Los Angeles for over fifty years. He is the author of numerous articles on the theory and therapy of schizophrenia, and on the “real relationship” in psychoanalysis. He is also the founder and Chairman of the Board of the Hereditary Disease Foundation, a non-profit research organization dedicated to finding cures for Huntington’s and other neurological and genetic diseases. He holds an L.LD. from New York University and a Ph.D. in psychology from Columbia University. He is a member of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and the American Psychological Association.