Just Plain George

by Lori Egan



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 3/19/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 36
ISBN : 9781401080952

About the Book

Ride along with George Bailey and his rider Jill, as they train for, and compete in, the exciting world of three-day eventing.

“Anyone with an interest in horses should read Just Plain George. It’s a story that would warm the heart of the toughest cowboy.” (Jeff Griffith, Colt Starting, Horsemanship, Groundwork Clinics.)

"A true delight for the young, as well as the older equine enthusiast. This is a story of human and horse who develop as a synchronized, loving team.” (Dr. Debbie Hadlock, V.M.D.,A.B.V.P.,C.V.A. Consultant, CardioPet)

“George Bailey is an endearing, admirable horse and his story Just Plain George, inspires the hearts of every reader. Lori Egan has created a gutsy, memorable story with an array of delightful characters. The reader is left rooting for George until the very last page––even after the book is finished, we beg for MORE!!” (Y.C. Murphy, Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies at Empire State College.)

“Just Plain George is a delightful story that captures the essence of the horse and his willingness to be a partner in our plans and dreams. It teaches us that plain and ordinary can become extraordinary. A must read for any young person that loves horses.” (Sheila Rodgers, Owner and Trainer, Good Shepherd Farm.)

Dedication: For those who are lucky enough to discover, and become part of, the magical world of the horse.

About the Author