The Love You Leave Behind - Book Two

Book Two

by Stan Hill



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 6/7/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 478
ISBN : 9780738818139
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 478
ISBN : 9780738818122

About the Book

Chris Remington continues his Odyssey, maneuvering between the Scyllus of treachery on his right, and the Charybdus of blackmail’s ubiquitous threat on his left. Occasionally, a glance behind him reveals his wake which includes individuals who measure their life in their acquisitions, their power and their prestige. The lucre of Chris’ life is the love he leaves in the lives he has touched. But without a reference point, his relationships seem to defy description as he tries to replace the idyllic love realized in Billy White and Ben Smithson with the practical, healing and reassuring presence Gabriel so uniquely offers. Especially a love which society holds in such abhorrence. A love which must only be expressed in whispers, glances, and clandestine rendezvous. Forever forbidden to Chris Remington is any kind of public expression of the affection he feels for the loves of his life. He is doomed to cast the one great light of his existence into furtive shadows and surreptitious expressions of affection.

About the Author

Stan Hill is a resident of San Francisco where he has lived for the past eleven years. A world travelor, he offers, in his first book, perspectives from ports around the globe, and people he has known.