Simple Poems from An Ordinary Man
Book Details
About the Book
About the Author
I started writing about 2 or 3 years ago. It all began with just a couple silly poems to a friend and took off from there. Now I have a couple hundred of them. With this collection of poems there is a short story in the same genre as my series of novels. I hope you enjoy the poems and the short story. Now to tell you something about who I am and where I live. My family and I live in a small city along the longest river in the United States. I have lived here all my life as did my father before me. Farmland surrounds my town so agriculture is a basic part of life here. Everyone who lives here either is or has been a farmer or has a relative who is. My wife and I have been together for 30 years. We have 2 grown children and 3 cats. Other then writing in my spare time I drive a taxicab.