When Darkness Falls 2: Ghost Town

This Time It's Not For Vengeance

by Michael Crane



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/30/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 169
ISBN : 9780738868653

About the Book

If you thought Los Angeles was the end, you were wrong.  It was only the beginning.

Jack Conwell is back, and he is meaner than ever.  After escaping from LA, he has managed to make it to Texas.  Just when he thinks he has found the perfect place to lay low and a place where he can try to put his demons to rest, he finds out that the whole state is controlled by a violent dictator, Victor Blade, and is in under heavy surveillance by a trigger-happy henchman, Rex Jones.  He learns there are four command centers with dungeons, and a temple to deal with.  It’s Los Angeles all over again, but this time Jack has no idea what he´s up against.

After being the first to shed blood, Conwell knows his only chance of getting out of Texas alive is to put an end to Blade´s blood-soaked reign once and for all. As he struggles to survive in the war-zone state and is determined to free all of the prisoners from the dungeons, Jack is once again forced to wage a one-man war. As he journeys through the unknown state, Conwell sees and experiences things that will change him forever. A horrifying revelation about his past and his father is brought forward, but could it possibly be true?  Will Jack be able to make it out alive and destroy all of the centers and dungeons within twenty-four hours, or will Texas be the end of him?

When Darkness Falls 2:  Ghost Town is an exciting, action packed thriller which tells the story of where the first one left off, and is the second installment to the "When Darkness Falls" series, continuing the dark epic.  This sequel will keep you at the edge of your seat, because it is filled with action, suspense, drama, twists, deadly confrontations, betrayal, and more.  This time it is not for vengeance; this time it’s purely survival.

Be sure to read "When Darkness Falls", and find out how it all started.

About the Author

Michael Crane is a senior at Carl Sandburg High School who has been writing since he was little. When Darkness Falls is his first published book. He lives in Orland Park, Illinois. Michael plans on writing many novels in the future. He would like to write humorous, action/suspense, drama, horror, and thriller books. His main goal in writing stories and books is to get the readers complete attention, whether it be shock or interest. He is currently working on When Darkness Falls 2: Ghost Town, which will be coming out soon.