Explosive - Cargo 2

Duck and Cover

by Michael Jay Tucker



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 6/7/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 119
ISBN : 9780738867250

About the Book

Alas, my friends,  there's more. You thought you'd suffered enough. But, no. The first explosive-cargo book was, sigh, only the first.

There's another. This is it. It's called Duck and Cover. I'm so sorry. But too late now. You'll just have to live with it. Besides, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it.

Anyway, Duck and Cover is what they used to tell us to do if a nuclear weapon went off near by. I'm not quite sure why. It would just mean that you'd be incinerated on your knees rather than standing up. But, then, I've noticed that the kind of powerful people who get their jollies thinking about World War III rather like having the rest of us in that position. Not standing, I mean. But that's another story.

Anyway, Duck and Cover wouldn't really wouldn't work against H-Bombs. Maybe only fire quackers. Get it? It's a joke.  Quackers? Duck. Ha. Ha. Never mind.

But it works as a title for this book. 'Cause it's really fowl. That's a joke, too. Okay, it was stupid joke. But somebody had to tell it.

And on that note . . .

Onward and Upward.


About the Author

Michael Jay Tucker, in addition to being the alleged author of this purported book, is the diseased intelligence behind explosive-cargo, a highly opinionated ezine which has been losing friends and annoying people since 1994. He is also a trade press journalist and has co-authored three books on a variety of technical topics. He lives in the Boston-area with his wife and son, and a West Highland White Terrier of extremely strong opinions.