AM I ME or Darwin's Monkey Man Evolution

Methods for Conscious Self Liberation

by Dr. Marcus A. Greaves



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 9/14/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781413446869
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781413446876

About the Book

This book is divided into three sections, and every person on this planet will find a resemblance of self in one of these sections, because it encompasses a large circle of earthly, as well as heavenly, principles of living, and from whence he or she could begin to learn past mistakes and learn how to resolve them in totality.

In this book, you will learn of the new science of Cosmology, of the date and even the year of the birth of New Solar Planes; the ineffable power of the adepts; the elegance and beauty of the inhabitants of Solar Planes; the exquisite beauty of wildlife, especially the birds that are of every possible color, their soft plumages, their beautiful songs, the suave perfume of every species of plant, and the beautiful flowers shedding their fragrances in the air.

This book leads you from A to Z, the circle of the ONE in which you will find your oneness in that Infinite Ineffable Force of Life and Love. It will take you beyond the Mayan civilization in the Andes of South America, beyond the Yucatan excavations in Central America, to the mysteries of Egypt where the pyramids were built by the power of Thought, and stones of immense size and weight were levitated by thought forms. It will take you to the Stonehenge at Silbury Hill in Great Britain where thought process was also used to construct cathedrals and other great monuments.

You will need no more of such dead and earthly proofs of your identity. Your true EYE-dentity is forever with you like your shadow. We can have proof of reincarnation by studying the eyes of newborn children. The Prince of Heaven, who is guardian of the throne of the Godhead—the invincible Archangel Michael—reveals this wonderful inestimable knowledge to us.

Some of the most conflicting arguments, theories, hypotheses, and philosophies about the formation of the earth and the appearance of its inhabitants have soared high in heated discussions by scientists, Bible students, and philosophers; but the most contradictory one is Darwin’s writings on the evolution of man from Anthropoids and Denying Creation By A Supreme Being.

Man began his earthly life under ideal conditions with every opportunity to live as a Unit of the Infinite ONE, in the Image of God, his CREATOR. Can you conceive God in the image of and shape of an anthropoid—an ape? What utter blasphemy and ignorance! Everything was of intense beauty, perfection, and under ideal climatic conditions. There was no fall of man in this early epoch.

In the first section, you will learn of the evil intent of genetic engineering and cloning upon mankind and how genetic engineering began four million years ago since the fall of man. You will also become aware of the schemes of some scientists to ensnare their genes in other animals, and vice versa, by mixing and combining man’s genes with those of animals of all kinds. And because of these combinations, these scientists tell us that the swine contains 99.6 percent of the human genes, or man has 99.6 percent of the genes of pigs; therefore, we evolved from vertebrates. But regardless of what is written in any other book man was first in existence, back to the creation of the third UNIVERSE.

It reveals how these plots have enslaved mankind for millions of years and have robbed him of good health and his God consciousness, as well as the true knowledge of who he really is, especially when Darwinism teaches that man evolved from monkeys. There is a complot at every level of man’s existence against his spiritual progress, and those who are not aware of this can utterly follow the left-handed path.

Our food, as well as our bodies, is being genetically engineered. Our health is being threatened by so many dangerous chemicals that are used in pesticides and herbicides that poison our brain and to modify our genes. From the level of the political and some religious

About the Author

Marcus A. Greaves, B.S., N.M.D., began his career as an allopathic doctor. After practicing for many years in allopathic medicine, he chose alternative medicine and became a holistic practitioner. Dr. Greaves graduated from medical school in France in 1968. He practiced in Paris and other cities in France as well as in the USA; in Niger, Africa; and in St. Vincent in the Caribbean. From his very early days, Dr. Greaves always reiterated to his parents that he wanted to become a doctor like Jesus. He always had the desire and quest for perfect healing through spiritual methods. In 1975, when he knew about the violet flame for transmuting diseases, sickness, pains, and karma, he quickly applied it to assist him in the healing of his patients and found that when everything else in the arsenal of the medical field was ineffective, the violet flame was his only means of procuring good results. For twenty-five years, he has employed this Sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit to work miracles for others and for him and still continues to employ it.