Victoria And The Dark Warrior

by M.K. Ware



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/9/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781425775148

About the Book

Synopsis Victoria And The Dark Warrior By M. K. Ware Victoria, a loner all of her years in Pikeville where she was born, reflects for a fleeting moment. Mother died when she was born, and her Dad tried everything just to keep a roof over their heads. He even did work that few White men would do for others, fieldwork. Victoria was loved and grew up happy with some pleasant memories. One such memory was that of a nanny, Yamola, who helped out with her before returning to her home on “Eden”. Yamola had said to her constantly that she must come to “Eden” to see her after she grew up. Now grown-up and working, Victoria’s Dad has also died. A lawyer came into the store where she worked with a deed for property left by her Dad’s cousin, several hundred miles southeast a place called Willowville. She drew her money from the bank, purchased an old car packed and left for Willowville. Once in Willowville, with the help of good neighbors she repaired the house, planted and worked her crop, and marketed all of her products along with all of the other people. She is ready for her first vacation. Eden is a paradise. She broke a rule on the Island paradise that she thought hinged on barbaric. Her actions threw her life onto an emotional roller coaster and would have her running from a crazed Warrior, seeking the aid of Witch doctors to stop the Warrior and lift a curse a jealous Islander put on her. Victoria married a good man, Harold Jr., who threw all of his love and energy into her battle. After a few years he reluctantly put Victoria into a hospital for psychiatry then succumbed to death. Here she spent a great deal of her time visiting the “deep”. There she saw her Dad and Harold. She escaped the place without any memory. She married Dr. Timothy Reed Jr. He was her doctor and agreed to help her.

About the Author

Biography Mildred Helton Ware, is a native of Russellville, Alabama born on October 26,1929. She came to Cincinnati, Ohio at age 11. She passed up the Grailville College scholarship for marriage. There were seven children from the union. She was working when the oldest sons finished Moeller High School, by holding the oldest one back both parents and the two boys were able to enroll in Raymond Walters College. Some times during those first twenty-eight years Mildred found the four oldest children grown and gone, as well as the mister. And still with three minor sons she reorganized her life. Still working Mildred and youngest son were given scholarships to Xavier University. She became St. Mark’s parochial School first African American President. In 1956 vice, and voted in two separate years as president. Where-by she started their first Scholarship program $500.00 for a girl and an addition $5oo.oo for a boy to go to a girls and boys school. She was an officer and member of two church clubs. Brought The Children Theatre, and The Young Peoples Symphony back to St. Mark’s. Moved to Silverton, Ohio, in the very late 1961. She became corresponding Secretary for the Silverton Democratic Club. She worked at the polls as a clerk then judge for her party. Also corresponding secretary for the newly formed neighborhood Association and drew up the by-laws. A Leader Campfire Girl ; Northeastern Chairman of The United Fine Arts Fund. She worked with St. John’s in Deer Park’s Festival Chairman, Cathy Honsaker, soliciting people by phone for several games for the three-day affair. Mildred joined the Sycamore Senior Center in 1976. She’s participated in two writing clubs. One was taught by a former editor of, “Writer’s Digest Magazine. One a senior group, and each brought interesting tid-bits to the table for others to read. “ I get high off of people.”