Birds Speak-out ...

... for Reparation, Fairness, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Regarding Past and Present Activities

by Joe Bishop



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 8/29/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 394
ISBN : 9781453515969
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 394
ISBN : 9781436352765

About the Book

A Word To The Reader……

This Book is “for the Birds.” It is their answer to the Lion King and the watery search for the fish named Nemo. Birds collect a lot of history since they fly all over the world. They are not restricted to the land as the Lion King nor the Fish limited to the water. They collect information written on the walls of dark caves by the mouse disguised as a Bird, the Bat, they collect nautical information from Sea Gulls, and they have been known to extract information from the toughest person by squeezing it from him/her when hung around his/her neck as an Albatross.

If there are any grammatical errors in this Book, they are due to the strict one-to-one translation of the information the Author collected from the traditional chirping Birds and those who talk, squawk and quack such as Parrots, Crows and Ducks. Also, errors may have occurred when the Birds gathered information written in “Ebonics” and that information was translated by the Secretary Bird into “Ebirdnics," the universal language of the Birds.

Draft versions of this Book have existed at various times, and the Covers of those draft versions have been included in this Book.

About the Author