My Mother's Trunk

by A. Phillips



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/4/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 63
ISBN : 9781441576231
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 63
ISBN : 9781441555557

About the Book

My Mother’s trunk is a heartwarming story about the special connection between a daughter and her aging Mother. The story starts with the history of the trunk and how it has been passed down in the family for over one hundred years, filled with personal family photos, letters from World War 11 and discovery of a man’s Civil War billfold with locks of women’s hair tucked inside. During the journey the two ladies relive the past and many tears will be shared with each item that was tucked away in the old family trunk.

About the Author

A.Phillips born in 1951 in San Jose, California under the name of Grace Firm Yeakly and later was adopted along with her birth sister to a Christian couple in Southwestern, Arkansas, and was raised in a strong strict Christian household. Married at a very young age and moved several times in Texas encountering people with a different spiritual way of thinking. She is a Mother of two grown children and grandmother of three handsome grandsons. Now lives in East Texas, with her husband and owns a small collectable store in Gladewater, Texas. She still remains a strong Christian and walks in the path of faith, hope and love.