Three Plays, Three Lengths, Three Genres
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About the Book
3-2-1 -- three plays. Three genres. Three experiences. Like Shakespeare, J.J. Parker realizes that all the world's a stage, but it's stocked with humor, drama, longing, and tragedy. So is this book. From the frustrated cell of the characters shanghaied into "The Waiting Room," to the goofball humor of the lazy layabout cousins Tom and John, to the searing boxing ring proving ground of "The Prizefighters," Parker has again served up generous helpings of imaginary grub that will compel attention, and fill an otherwise lonely evening. Here's three reasons to read that've been plucked from an imaginary need -- so savor the fruits of one man's seminal seed.... Ponder the fate of the prodigal quartet; laugh at the deranged strategems of the dopey duo; duck life's punches with the adversarial father and son. Read ... and bleed in your insides, for the human condition is a balance between fate and luck, blended with ingenuity and pluck. Vitality began with your DNA conception ... a fresh understanding of life begins on page one....