The Brown Recluse: Murder in Green Hills

by Ruben Mendoza



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/8/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 241
ISBN : 9781450004473
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 241
ISBN : 9781462830671
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 241
ISBN : 9781450004480

About the Book

On Saturday a woman called the police department to report suspicious circumstances at the Lower East Side, construction site. The woman told the dispatcher that the door to the office-trailer had been ripped-off its hinges and it was now lying at the bottom of the stairs. Two police officers were dispatched to the scene and found the victim dead on the sofa, belly-up, bound by the hands and ankles. The victim had a series of punctures around and about his heart. The floor, covered with the victim’s blood, was a gruesome scene. The victim suffered a painful ordeal. It was past midnight and the city had long gone to sleep. There were no witnesses, or evidence readily available to identify the one, or more, perpetrators to this atrocious act. Detective Sergeant Gilbert Roland was called to the scene. He’d profile and chart the victim’s background; childhood and up to the present, displaying a makeshift diagram for his office wall that served both as a visual diagram and as a verbal bouncing board. Any, and all of those who’d hover or associated with the victim, were added to his wall of murder.

About the Author

This Author, Ruben Mendoza, lives in Madera, California with his wife, Lynette, and their two daughters Kamryn Callista, and Korina Rebeka. He graduated with an A.S., Rio Hondo College; B.A., California State University, Fullerton; M.S., Chapman University; and is also an alumnus from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Academy. Ruben is on his 23rd law enforcement year, and holds the rank of police sergeant, previously a detective sergeant.