The Boys at Bohemian Grove

by Armand Santilli



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/13/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781413459487

About the Book

If you think the price of gasoline at the pumps is outrageous these days, wait a few years until “The Tragedy of the Commons” really sets in.

“Whatever, the twists and turns in global politics, whatever the ebb of imperial power and the flow of national pride, one trend in the decades following World War II progressed in a straight and rapidly ascending line- the consumption of oil. If it can be said, in the abstract, that the sun energized the planet, it was oil that now powered its human population, both in its familiar forms as fuel and in the proliferation of new petrochemical products. Oil emerged triumphant, the undisputed King, a monarch garbed in a dazzling array of plastics. He was generous to his loyal subjects, sharing his wealth to and beyond the point of waste. His reign was a time of confidence, of growth, of expansion, of astonishing economic performance. His largesse transformed his kingdom, ushering in a new drive-in civilization. It was the Age of Hydrocarbon Man.”

So wrote Daniel Yergin in THE PRIZE: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power, Joseph Stanislaw (Contributor): Touchstone, 1993.

“The Boys at Bohemian Grove” is a story about secret societies of powerful and influential men who meet in camera to sculpt world politics and design foreign policy.

In a world with alarmingly declining stores of fossil fuels, two American presidents place their positions of power, their fortunes, reputations, and their lives in great jeopardy, as they commit the armed forces of the greatest Superpower of all time to fight an imperial war for oil.

The goal: to perpetuate the contemporary life style of modern man; to stabilize American and other capitalist economies facing compromise by the rapid depletion of the world’s most precious natural resource; and to maintain world peace.

The novel reflects upon the worldwide terrorism people of the western world must endure as their contribution to the crucial mission ahead, and calls attention to the varied terrorist networks that threaten today’s civilized societies.

About the Author
