The Unauthorized World Situation Report


by Patrick Foy



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/12/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 209
ISBN : 9781413494006

About the Book

"Please forgive my taking so long to respond to the manuscript you sent me. That is, THE UNAUTHORIZED WORLD SITUATION REPORT. You are a very brave soul to take on the liars and the manipulators as you have. I would even go so far as to say that you have written yourself into a dangerous situation. There are too many of the entrenched who would be more than infuriated that you have blown the cover from their game.... Your fight against the inbred stupidity of the history of this century is a noble and a lonely one. I marvel at how you persist against the odds. I believe that your views are on the mark.... All those of us who are aware can do is to protect our own minds against this onslaught which has erased the sensibilities of almost all humans."--Charles Bukowski

"Your book is fantastic. I reserve the right to plagiarize it at will. Especially the parts about the origins of World War II."--Taki Theodoracopulos

A relatively small book, The Unauthorized World Situation Report is a distillation of much unusual material and many disparate ideas. Its subject matter is world affairs and American history. In essence, Situation Report is a long essay of historical commentary focusing upon the Twentieth Century. It is somewhat in the tradition of the American revolutionary pamphleteers, to wit, an extended broadside in plain language with a point of view and humor. This controversial reappraisal is very much at odds with the received version of events.

The central thesis of Situation Report is that America’s current difficulties in foreign affairs are not solely the product of mistakes from the recent past performed by the “neoconservative” Republican Administration under the nominal leadership of George W. Bush. That is a charade, a sideshow, and a diversion. Rather, America’s predicament is the logical culmination of a presumptuous attitude which came to the forefront in 1898, the year of the Spanish-American War. It is this unnecessary war and America’s subsequent collaboration with England, resulting in two world wars, which are the foundations of the Twenty-First Century and which were the cause of so much hardship, death and destruction in the century just passed. In particular, the American train wreck in the Middle East and the atrocity of 9/11 itself can be traced to Washington’s ill-advised and inglorious foreign policy track record over many years, presided over by both political parties. The Unauthorized World Situation Report does not offer solutions, but it does provide insight and perspective for those with an open mind. Rien n’arrive par hasard.

From the Prologue...

Over the decades since the Second World War, it has become increasingly fashionable for the President of the United States to make a spectacle of himself in any number of remarkable ways. The sending of an annual “State of the World” message to the Congress of the United States is a prime example. Granted, on its own, this State of the World message is nothing to lose sleep over. The document in question is packed with self-serving nonsense and misinformation; it is routinely filed away and, in short order, forgotten about. Nonetheless, the implications of this “State of the World” message do merit our attention and at least five minutes of serious thought. Why? For the simple reason that these implications are fantastic, when viewed within the context of history.

Briefly stated, the President of the United States and the American Congress are presiding over the greatest free-for-all in recorded time, bar none, and yet they remain confused, dissatisfied and unfulfilled. It seems that they require something more--a larger horizon, a new distraction, perhaps a crusade to justify their own existence. They are not sure what. At the same time it must be perfectly obvious--even to themse

About the Author

Essayist and short story writer Patrick Foy graduated from Canterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut and from Columbia University in New York City, where he studied English literature, European history and American diplomatic history. He has written numerous short stories, some of which have appeared in The North American Review, Avenue and in The European. Many more go unpublished. He has worked as a magazine editor and photographer. Aside from writing, his other artistic endeavor is photography, and he has had exhibitions of his work in Switzerland. He has traveled widely in Europe, and resides south Florida. To augment his writing career, he deals in property. With humor and considerable candor, he has written The Unauthorized World Situation Report, which has been a work-in-progress for almost two decades. He is not on a crusade to change anyone’s mind, only to broaden the boundaries of discussion.