Travels with Mimi and Children's Voices

by Paul E. Pepe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/17/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781436386739
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781462831999

About the Book

Our personal journey began fifty years ago when we went to Europe for our honeymoon. It was a wonderful uplifting experience, and now, fifty years later, having visited more than fifty countries and more tan two hundred and twenty foreign cities, we are still anxious to see more. We have been to some countries more than once including France, Russia, Spain, Finland, Canada, Poland, Germany and others, but most especially Italy where we have visited more than ten times. We have seen major wonders of this world, from the Great Wall of China to the Pyramids of Egypt, from Macchu Picchu in Peru to Mt. Fuji in Japan and from the Roman Forum to the Kremlin. We have followed the trail of the Roman Empire from Morocco to Poland to Great Britain and beyond. Our journey has been long and not without its pitfalls, but it has been a supremely happy one. And now…we go on, and hope for another fifty years.

About the Author

Paul e. Pepe is retired after a long career in marketing. He has been a newspaper publisher and editor and college professor. He lives in laurel hollow, New York and Sarasota, Florida with his wife, Miriam. He is currently working on a new novel. His previous published works include: Strangers By Day, The Sleeping Giant,The Old Man, Footsteps and Travels with Mimi and children’s voices, Marie Elena and Five Women I Love. Cover illustration by Eva and Carina Lewandowski