A Display Of His Splendor

Letting God Heal All of Your Hurts

by Sarah Grant



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/16/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781450083294
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781450083287
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781450083300

About the Book

A Display of His Splendor is a story of restoration, forgiveness, and love. There are some tantalizing moments in several pages of this reading. There are some heartbreaking moments and moments of laughter as well. The message you will receive from this book will to allow you to see that God can and God will heal the brokenhearted. You will be inspired to turn all of your hurt and pain over to God and press forward to walk in the destiny and purpose God has placed before you. In the poem “A Display of His Splendor,” the author wishes for you to see how God has displayed his in your life as well. In the poem “I Look Like You,” the author challenges you to look and think about the things you say to children and others throughout the course of the day.

About the Author

Sarah Grant is an inspirational/motivational writer and poet who resides in Anderson, South Carolina, with her family. She was raised by her maternal grandparents and wishes to inspire you with the authentic love between her and her grandmother. She lived through a treacherous car accident when she was four months old and realized that if God kept her alive all of those hours, then there is a purpose for her to be here. She has been writing since the fourth grade. From grammar school throughout college she has had some phenomenal writings, but never had the confidence to submit any writings for publication because she was paralyzed with fear. She has an authentic testimony and uses that testimony, along with the love of her grandmother, to inspire others to press forward in God. She inspires and empowers other to allow God to display his splendor in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. She teaches that God can truly take a mess and give you a beautiful message for the use of his kingdom. Sarah’s grandmother was the trumpet in her life for many years, and that trumpet held her deep within her heart daily.